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  1. Saillant, E., and Gold, J. R.  (2006)  Population structure and variance effective size of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) in the northern Gulf of Mexico.  Fishery Bulletin US 104: 136-148. PDF

  2. Renshaw, M. A., Saillant, E., Broughton, R. E., and Gold, J. R.  (2006)  Application of hypervariable genetic markers to forensic identification of ‘wild’ from hatchery-raised red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus.  Forensic Science International 156: 9-15. PDF

  3. Renshaw, M. A., Saillant, E., and Gold, J. R.  (2006)  Microsatellite multiplex panels for genetic studies of three species of marine fishes: red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus), red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus), and cobia (Rachycentron canadum).  Aquaculture 253: 731-735. PDF

  4. Saillant, E., Bradfield, S. C., and Gold, J. R.  (2006)  Genetic impacts of shrimp trawling on red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) in the northern Gulf of Mexico.  ICES Journal of Marine Science 63: 705-713. PDF

  5. Wang, X. Ross, K. E., Saillant, E., Gatlin III, D.M., and Gold, J. R.  (2006)  Quantitative genetics and heritability of growth-related traits in hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysops ♀ x Morone saxatilis ♂).  Aquaculture 261: 535-545. PDF

  6. Renshaw, M. A. Soltysiak K. Arreola, D., Loret, P., Patton, J. C., Gold, J. R., and Campbell, L.  (2006)  Microsatellite DNA markers for population genetic studies in the dinoflagellate Karenia brevis.  Molecular Ecology Notes 6: 1157-1159. PDF

  7. Renshaw, M. A., Patton J. C., Rexroad III, C. E., and Gold, J. R.  (2006)  PCR primers for trinucleotide and tetranucleotide microsatellites in greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili.  Molecular Ecology Notes 6: 1162-1164. PDF

  8. Saillant, E., Ma, L., Wang, X., Gatlin III, D. M., and Gold, J. R.  (2007)  Heritability of juvenile growth traits in red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus).  Aquaculture Research 38: 781-788. PDF

  9. Wang, X., Ross, K. E., Saillant, E., Gatlin III, D. M., and Gold, J. R.  (2007)  Genetic effects on carcass-quality traits in hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysops ♀ x Morone saxatilis ♂).  Aquaculture Research 38: 973-980. PDF

  10. Renshaw, M. A., Patton, J. C., Rexroad III, C. E., and Gold, J. R.  (2007)  PCR primers for dinucleotide microsatellites in greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili.  Conservation Genetics 8: 1009-1011. PDF

  11. Renshaw, M. A., Saillant, E., Lem, S., Berry, P., and Gold, J. R.  (2007)  Microsatellite multiplex panels for genetic studies of gray snapper (Lutjanus griseus) and lane snapper (Lutjanus synagris).  Fishery Bulletin US 105: 436-439. PDF

  12. Gold, J. R. and Saillant, E.  (2007)  Population structure of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) from the Northern Gulf of Mexico.  In: Red Snapper Ecology and Fisheries in the US Gulf of Mexico (W. Patterson, J. Cowan, G. Fitzhugh, and D. Nieland, eds.).  American Fisheries Society Symposium 60: 201-216. PDF

  13. Karlsson, S., Ma, L., Saillant, E., and Gold, J. R.  (2007)  Tests of Mendelian segregation and linkage-group relationships among 31 microsatellite loci in red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus.  Aquaculture International 15: 383-391. PDF

  14. Renshaw, M. A., Karlsson, S., and Gold, J. R.  (2007)  Isolation and characterization of microsatellites in lane snapper (Lutjanus synagris), mutton snapper (Lutjanus analis), and yellowtail snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus).  Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 1084-1087. PDF

  15. Ma, L., Saillant, E., Gatlin III, D. M., Neill, W. H., Vega, R. R., and Gold, J. R.  (2007)  Heritability of cold tolerance in red drum.  North American Journal of Aquaculture 69: 381-387. PDF

  16. Karlsson, S., Renshaw, M. A., Rexroad III, C. E., and Gold, J. R.  (2008)  PCR primers for 100 microsatellites in red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus).  Molecular Ecology Resources 8: 393-398. PDF

  17. Heinrichs, D. W., Santamaria, C. A., Renshaw, M. A., Gold, J. R., and Campbell, L.  (2008)  PCR amplification of microsatellites from single cells of Karenia brevis preserved in Lugol’s iodine solution.  Marine Biotechnology 10:122-127. PDF

  18. Saillant, E., Wang, X., Ma, L., Gatlin III, D. M., Vega, R. R., and Gold, J. R.  (2008)  Genetic effects on tolerance to acute cold stress in red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus L.  Aquaculture Research 39: 1393-1398. PDF

  19. Karlsson, S., Renshaw, M. A. Rexroad III, C. E., and Gold, J. R.  (2008)  Microsatellite primers in red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus).  Fishery Bulletin US 106: 476-482. PDF

  20. Ma, L., Saillant, E., Gatlin III, D. M., and Gold, J. R.  (2008)  Estimates of heritability of larval and early juvenile growth traits in red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus).  Journal of Applied Aquaculture 20: 134-147. PDF

  21. Gold, J. R., Ma, L. Saillant, E., Silva, P. S., and Vega, R. R.  (2008)  Genetic effective size in populations of hatchery-raised red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, released for stock enhancement.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137: 1327-1334. PDF

  22. Karlsson, S., Saillant, E., Bumguardner, B. W., Vega, R. R., and Gold, J. R.  (2008)  Genetic identification of hatchery-released red drum in Texas bays and estuaries.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28: 1294-1304. PDF

  23. Turner, T. F., Dowling, T. E., Osborne, M. J., McPhee, M. V., Broughton, R. E., and Gold, J. R.  (2009)  Microsatellite markers for the endangered razorback sucker, Xyrauchan texanus (Catostomidae), are applicable to genetic studies of other catostomine fishes.  Conservation Genetics 10: 551-553. PDF

  24. Saillant, E., Renshaw, M. A., Gatlin III, D. M., Neill, W. H., Vega, R. R., and Gold, J. R.  (2009)  An experimental assessment of microsatellite markers for genetic tagging of hatchery-reared red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) used in stock enhancement.  Journal of Applied Ichthyology 25: 108-113. PDF

  25. Renshaw, M. A., Douglas, K. C., Rexroad III, C. E., Jobity, A. M. C., and Gold, J. R.  (2009)  Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers in the Serra Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus brasiliensis. Molecular Ecology Resources 9: 835-838. PDF

  26. Gold, J. R., Saillant, E., Ebelt, N. D., and Lem, S.  (2009)  Conservation genetics of gray snapper (Lutjanus griseus) in U.S. waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico and western Atlantic Ocean.  Copeia 2009: 277-286. PDF

  27. Karlsson, S., Saillant, E., and Gold, J. R.  (2009)  Population structure and genetic variation of lane snapper (Lutjanus synagris) in the northern Gulf of Mexico.  Marine Biology 156: 1841-1855. PDF

  28. Renshaw, M. A., Gawriluk, T. R., and Gold, J. R.  (2009)  Characterization of red drum microsatellite markers in spotted seatrout.  North American Journal of Aquaculture 71: 374-379. PDF

  29. Renshaw, M. A., Carson, E. W., Hanna, A. H., Rexroad III, C. E., Krabbenhoft, T. J., and Gold, J. R. (2009) Microsatellite markers for species of genus Dionda (Cyprinidae) from the American southwest. Conservation Genetics 10: 1569-1575. PDF

  30. Carson, E. W., Karlsson, S. Saillant, E., and Gold, J. R.  (2009)  Genetic studies of hatchery-supplemented populations of red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, in four Texas bays.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29: 1502-1510. PDF

  31. Renshaw, M. A. and Gold J. R.  (2009)  Genetic tools to identify species of Seriola in the U.S. South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico.  Gulf of Mexico Science 27: 125-130. PDF

  32. Gold, J. R., Jobity, A. M. C.,Saillant, E., and Renshaw, M. A.  (2010)  Population structure of carite (Scomberomorus brasiliensis) in waters offshore of Trinidad and northern Venezuela.  Fisheries Research 103: 30-39. PDF

  33. Renshaw, M. A., Portnoy, D., and Gold, J. R.  (2010)  PCR primers for nuclear-encoded microsatellites of the groupers Cephalopholis fulva (coney) and Epinephelus guttatus (red hind).  Conservation Genetics.  11: 1197-1202. PDF

  34. Saillant, E. Bradfield, S. C., and Gold, J. R.  (2010)  Genetic variation and spatial autocorrelation among young-of-the-year red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) in the northern Gulf of Mexico.  ICES Journal of Marine Science 67: 1240-1250. PDF

  35. Gold, J. R., Renshaw, M. A., Saillant, E., and Vega, R. R.  (2010)  Spawning frequency of brood dams and sires in a marine fish stock-enhancement hatchery.  Journal of Fish Biology 77: 1030-1040. PDF

  36. Portnoy, D. S., Renshaw, M. A., Hollenbeck, C. M., and Gold, J. R.  (2010)  A genetic linkage map of red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus.  Animal Genetics 41: 630-641. PDF

  37. Gold, J. R.  (2010)  Recommendations for conservation of Formosa landlocked salmon.  National Taiwan Museum Special Publication 14: 165-166. PDF

  38. Carson, E. W., Hanna, A., Garrett, G. P., Gibson, R., and Gold, J. R.  (2010)  Conservation genetics of cyprinid fishes (genus Dionda) in southwestern North America. II. Expansion of the known range of manantial roundnose minnow, Dionda argentosa.  Southwestern Naturalist 55: 576-581. PDF


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