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Shannon joined the Marine Genomics Lab in January 2015 and is interested in using next-generation sequencing to study the genetic diversity and adaptive potential of small populations. Molecular ecology, conservation and landscape genetics/genomics offer a unique toolbox to assess population structure, connectivity and effective population size to assess biodiversity at its most fundamental level, genetic diversity, which in turn determines the adaptive potential of a population. She currently uses molecular markers to assess the effect of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the genetic diversity of demersal fishes, determine patterns of connectivity in fish populations in the Gulf of Mexico, and patterns of local adaptation using linkage maps.

Shannon previously taught Ecology & Evolution and Biodiversity as a Lecturer at the University of Towson after earning her PhD in Marine and Atmospheric Science from Stony Brook University in 2013. Her research focused on the genetic diversity, effective population size and patterns of genetic bottlenecks and inbreeding in several teleost and elasmobranch species which have experienced severe declines due to habitat loss and overexploitation. She

earned a Bachelor of Biological Science from the University of Constance, Germany in 2009.

Current Projects: 
  1. Restoration and enhancement of southern flounder in Texas bays and estuaries

  2. Building genomic maps of southern flounder it ID genes or chromosomal regions that are involved in sustainability (adaptation) and resilience to future environmental/anthropogenic insult

  3. Assessment of levels of population structure and connectivity of golden tilefish throughout their range


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