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Stuart joined the Marine Genomics Lab as a post-doctoral research associate in March 2014. His current research focuses on estimating spatial and temporal recruitment dynamics of three species of deepwater snappers (Lutjanidae) off the west coast of Puerto Rico, including the relative contribution of marine protected areas, as well as resolving the number of migratory groups of king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) and their contribution to winter fisheries in Florida and Mexico. Both projects utilize double-digest, restriction-site associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing to create extensive genomic datasets. A requirement in using this new technology is resolving effective strategies for quality assurance and robust signal in large and complex datasets.


Stuart is broadly interested in diversification in bony fishes, especially speciation and adaptation. His graduate research covered species boundaries, hybridization, and biogeography of South American freshwater (Amazon) fishes. He is particularly interested in how landscape heterogeneity and the constraints to physiological adaptation at the sequence and transcriptional levels and how that affects population-genetic patterns leading to speciation


Stuart received a Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln under Guillermo Orti, and prior to that earned a M.Sc. in Zoology from the University of Manitoba (Winnipeg, Canada) and a B.Sc. in Wildlife and Fisheries Science from Texas A&M University (College Station, TX). Stuart also worked previously as a DNA Analyst in the Forensic Genetics lab of the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences (Houston, TX).

Current Projects: 

To learn more about Stuart's work, visit his website at


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